Change or add translations on your shop

Change or add translations on your shop - BigBuy Academy | Documentación y ayuda técnica gratuita para clientes de BigBuy
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Change or add translations on your shop

In this manual we are going to expalin the steps to translate the texts on your shop. The first step is to access to control panel of your shop online .

    1. Once inside, go to the section Localization > Translations (1).
    2. On the section Modify Translations (2) you must select options when you want make change.

NOTE: Translations in your shop are grouped in packets, therefore you have to know the packet that the text that you want to modify belongs to.

  1. The packages available can select via the selector Type of translation (3).
    1. To change the translations of the public part of your store will need to select Front-office translations.
    2. if it is a part of module, you must select Installed modules translation.
    3. if you wish to change the error menssage, select Error message translations.
  2. Select your theme on the select box (4) you can select the template you want to edit translations. Here you must select Themebase template.
  3. Select your languageon the select box (5). You will have to select the language which you want to translate to.
  4. Click on Modify.

In the previous image you can see the texts available for translation according to what you have selected on Type of translation

Texts lists are grouped by the file name (point 2) where they are placed, and they can be of the general template or from a module (point 1) along with the number of expressions that are already translated (point 3) and the ones that are left to translate (point 4).

Sometimes, files groups do not show the texts that are containing when all their texts have been translated. In order to see the content, you have to click on the group name (point 2) or on the button Expand all fields, lower image.

When the content is displayed, it shows in the right side the expressions to translate (point 5) and its equivalence in the selected language (point 6), that will be displayed in red when it has no translation.

Once performed the changes, save them.