How to eliminate the VAT number from the client registration form fields

How to eliminate the VAT number from the client registration form fields - BigBuy Academy | Documentación y ayuda técnica gratuita para clientes de BigBuy
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How to eliminate the VAT number from the client registration form fields

If you want to let your clients make purchases without needing to introduce their VAT number when adding their information, you need to take the following steps.

  1. 1. Go to the Localisation > Countries section in your control panel.

2. Once there, access the edit country form, where you don’t want the “VAT number” to be introduced, clicking on the edit button or on the name of the country.

3. The following form will appear, where you’ll need to change the “Do you need the VAT number” (1) to “No”, which will mean this field will no longer be obligatory when it comes to adding an address in that country.

These steps must be done in all countries where you do not wish the entering of the VAT number to be mandatory.