How to change the preheader of my shop

How to change the preheader of my shop - BigBuy Academy | Documentación y ayuda técnica gratuita para clientes de BigBuy
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How to change the preheader of my shop

The BigBuy 360º Dropshipping Shops include a preheader (a secondary menu at the top of your shop). Here you can include links to other shops you own, to your social networks or to any URL you want to show your customers.


Attention !
If you acquired your Dropshipping Shop before the launch of this module, contact the Support area so we can install it in your ecommerce.

To add new elements or change existing ones, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the backoffice of your PrestaShop.
  2. Click on Modules > Installed Modules and search for the “BigBuy Preheader” module. Click on Configure.
  3. You will see a list of all the links that currently appear on your preheader. Then, you will be able to add a new link, change an existing one, or delete it.


  1. To create a new link, click the “Add link” button on the top right hand side. It will open a new window.
  2. You will see a number of fields. Firstly, you must select whether you want the link to appear as text, a picture, or as a picture + text.


To take into account
We recommend that all of the links you include in your preheader are similar. That means, if one is in text format, the others should be in this format too. If not, the design will be inconsistent.

Complete the fields you will see next. Depending on whether you choose, text, picture, or picture + text, they will vary slightly:

  • Link: The URL you want to link to this element. Using the dropdown menu on the right hand side, you will be able to insert a specific URL for each language.
  • Picture: If you have chosen the option to include a picture, you should upload it in this field. We recommend you use a PNG with a transparent background.
  • Title of link: This field will only appear in the options that include text. Here you can write the text you want to appear. Using the dropdown menu on the right hand side, you can add a different text for each language.
  • Open a new window: If you tick “Yes”, when clicking on this link, it will open in a new window. If you tick “No”, clicking will open it in the same window. If you don’t want the user to leave your page, we recommend choosing “Yes”.
  • Active link: If you tick “No”, this link will not appear in the preheader.

When you have completed all of the fields, click “Save”.

  1. When you enter the module, you will see a list of all the created links.
  2. Look for the link you want to change or delete. If you want to change it, click on the “Change” button on the right hand side. If you want to delete it, do so using the dropdown on the right.