How to configure my email server and send emails from my dropshipping store

How to configure my email server and send emails from my dropshipping store - BigBuy Academy | Documentación y ayuda técnica gratuita para clientes de BigBuy
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How to configure my email server and send emails from my dropshipping store

Once we have a dropshipping store up and running, email is an indispensable tool to be able to communicate with clients. In order to be able receive emails about purchases made in your store or to send emails to inform your clients about some aspect of it, you’ll need to have a set up an email server with Prestashop.

To configure the email server with Prestashop, you’ll need to follow the following steps:

Firstly you must set up an email server. They’ll provide the data so that you can set up your server with Prestashop. The information shown in the following steps is offered for orientation purposes, as the server provider will to do the configuration itself.

1- Go to advanced parameters > Email (1).

2- In the email section (2) choose the second section: set up my own SMTP parameters. Only for ADVANCED users (3).

3- Save (4).

4- In the second email section (5) you must fill in the fields as follows:

  • Email domain (6): It must be left empty.

  • SMTP Server (7): smtp.midominio.xx

  • SMTP User Name (8): smtp@midominio.xx / info@midominio.xx

  • Password (9): Password previously assigned to the email.

  • Encoded (10): SSL o TLS

  • Gate (11): 465 (if SSL was written) o 587 (si TLS was written)

5- Lastly, press the save button (12).

Checking the Settings

Prestashop has a section for checking that the settings have been properly made. In order to to be able to do this check, you’ll need to the following:


1- Go to advanced parameters > Email (1).

2- In the section Check Email Settings (2) write a valid email which will be sent to a test email address (3).

3- Press the send button (4).

4- Once the process is finished, you’ll see a message in a box. If the box is green in colour this means the process has been completed satisfactorily. If, on the other hand the box is red, it means the process has not passed the test and some changes must therefore be made to the settings.