How to sell on Facebook with your Magento online store

How to sell on Facebook with your Magento online store - BigBuy Academy | Documentación y ayuda técnica gratuita para clientes de BigBuy
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How to sell on Facebook with your Magento online store

Facebook is one of the social networks with the most active users, a fact that turns it into an opportunity for selling. If you want to sell BigBuy products from your Magento online store on Facebook, we show you how to do this below.

Requirements for connecting Magento to Facebook

  • A Magento account
  • A Facebook account and page
  • A Business Manager account
  • Have created the Facebook Pixel

Facebook business extension for Magento

The Facebook social network itself has developed an extension that makes it much easier to synchronise your Magento online store with the Facebook store. First of all, you need to install the Facebook business extension. You can do this by downloading the file from here or through the Magento Marketplace here.

To install the Facebook business extension on your Magento online store you should follow the steps below:

  • Log into your server instance.
  • Run the command cd /var/www/Magento/app/code o cd /var/www/html/Magento/app/code based on whether your server is running Centos or Ubuntu. The path may be different depending on the choice you made during the installation. If you cannot find it, search /var/www/html/magento2/app/code or /var/www/magento2/app/code.
  • Ensure that you have the appropriate read and write permissions in the Magento root directory.
  • Expand the file
  • Compress the Facebook subfolder, move it and decompress it in the code directory.
  • Run the command cd ../../ to go to the Magento root folder.
  • Run the following commands to install the Facebook business extension:
    • Install the Facebook business SDK for PHP: composer require facebook/php-business-sdk. The extension uses this dependency.
    • You will see a similar message to the following: “Installing facebook/php-business-sdk (8.0.0): downloading (100 %)”.
    • Run php bin/magento module:status.
    • The Facebook_BusinessExtension should appear on the list of deactivated modules.
    • To activate the module, run php bin/magento module:enable Facebook_BusinessExtension.
    • Run php bin/magento setup:upgrade.
    • Run php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy.
    • Run php bin/magento setup:di:compile.
    • Run php bin/magento cache:clean.
    • Run php bin/magento cron:run three times.
    • Optional, if you are not the owner of the Magento files.
      • chmod -R 755 ./
      • chmod -R 777 var/
      • chmod -R 777 pub/
      • chmod -R 777 app/etc
      • chmod -R 777 generated
    • When installation has been completed correctly, log into the Magento administrator panel.

Select the stores icon in the main menu. There should be a section called “Facebook” –> “Setup”.

  • Select Setup to access the installation of extensions page.
  • Select Get Started to configure the Facebook business extension.

Follow the steps and connect Facebook Business Extension with your Facebook account.

Then select the options on which you want to use this Facebook extension. In this case, to sell on Facebook, you should select the Facebook Shop option. If you don’t have Instagram, or if you don’t want to connect the store to this social network, don’t select it.

Continue by selecting your Business Manager (the one on which you have the Facebook page and on which you want to publish your products).

Once your Business Manager is selected, choose the page on which you want to publish the products from your Magento online store.

It is now time to choose the catalogue where you would like to publish your products. If you don’t have one, you can create one in this step.

Once the catalogue is selected, continue completing the configuration of your Commerce Account. You may need to confirm the domain name of your store.

You have now configured the Facebook Business Extension for Magento. Once the configuration has been completed, if everything has been done correctly, the following popup will appear.

After you have completed the configuration, your product catalogue is automatically uploaded onto Facebook. Whenever a product is edited or deleted, the changes will be synchronised with Facebook in real time. Click on Manage if you want to manage the Facebook channel.

If you wish, you can also carry out an additional post of the complete catalogue on Stores -> Configuration -> Facebook -> Commerce extension -> Catalogue management -> Products to post

The complete configuration guide for the Facebook Business Extension for Magento is available through the following link.

Additionally, to synchronise your Magento online store with the Multi-Channel Integration Platform, you can follow the steps described in this article.