How to configure your shop data on the BigBuy control panel

How to configure your shop data on the BigBuy control panel - BigBuy Academy | Documentación y ayuda técnica gratuita para clientes de BigBuy
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How to configure your shop data on the BigBuy control panel

In the following article, we explain how to fill in detailed information about your online shop on your BigBuy account administration panel.

1. First, you will need to go into the client panel on BigBuy with the email address and password which will take you into the website.

2. Next, go into the ‘My Account’ part on the top bar.

3. On the left side bar there is a section called ‘Shops’ (every time you have bought a shop on BigBuy.) Click on it.

4. In this section you’ll see a form to fill in the data for your store:

1. Name of your store.

2. If you have a Business or Premium Pack and want to add an additional language to your store, you can choose one. Three are available by default (Spanish, English and French)

3.The default currency of your store (this has to be Euros in Back Office, but your store may also display others).

4. Your domain name. Don’t forget to first register your domain before doing so with your store.

5. In the second part of the form, fill in the data shown in the following image, where you’ll see an OVH email and its relationship with a screen shot of the panel.


6. When you’ve finished adding the data, click Save.

All done! That’s how to configure your website with BigBuy.