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Ecommerce softwares

How to view the number of products and variants in Shopify

If you manage an online store on Shopify, it's important to know how many products and variants you have in your inventory. Knowing how many products and variants you have in your Shopify store is crucial for effective inventory management and understanding the scale of your offerings.  How to view the quantity of products How…

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How to Change Product Type in Shopify

In this Academy, we will see how to correctly change the product type so that Multi-Channel (MIP) does not overwrite them. Product Type: Product types are not mandatory but are useful for labeling and categorizing products. There can only be one product type per product. For more information, refer to the Shopify Help Center…

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What to do After Buying a Dropshipping Shop 360

We welcome you to this Academy, where you will get an in-depth understanding of the entire process, from purchasing your Dropshipping Shop 360º to its handover. This process is divided into four phases: How to view the quantity of products How to view the quantity of variations Considerations for adding variants 1. Before installation 1.1…

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Which products should appear in my store 

In this article, we will learn to distinguish the publication status of products. This will allow us to understand why a product we thought we had selected doesn't appear in our store or why we see undesired products. How to view the quantity of products How to view the quantity of variations Considerations for adding…

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How to buy a domain name on Shopify

Important! Before purchasing your domain name, we recommend you access the general configuration of the Shopify control panel and enter your business information. The reason for this is so that all the information can be reflected on the invoices generated when you purchase the domain name. By default, Shopify provides a domain of the “” type;…

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Creating new collections on Shopify

The organisation and presentation of products are essential aspects in attracting customers and increasing sales. This is where Shopify’s collections play a key role. In this guide, we will explain everything you need to know about Shopify’s collections and how they can benefit your store. Before delving into the details, it is vital that you…

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How to edit Texts and Images of Synchronized Products 

If you want to give your online store a unique touch, we recommend you have a look at this article.   Now, we'll show you the simple steps to edit the texts and images of your store. Always remember to edit and publish the MIP before making changes, so everything will be as you want!  How…

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How to use Google fonts in my Shopify store with an app

Si tiene una tienda Shopify cuyo país principal sea Alemania, debe saber que el uso de Google Fonts a través de la API de fuentes ya no cumple con la protección de datos. En este artículo le ofrecemos una alternativa para el uso de estas fuentes a través de una app de Shopify gratuita.  1-…

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How to refund an order on a Shopify online store

If you are selling on Shopify, at some point and for whatever reason, you will need to make a refund to a customer. Below, in this article, we show you how to do this.   To mark an order as refunded, follow the steps below.   In the Shopify backoffice, go to the order…

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