How to edit the email templates on my Prestashop

How to edit the email templates on my Prestashop - BigBuy Academy | Documentación y ayuda técnica gratuita para clientes de BigBuy
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How to edit the email templates on my Prestashop

Prestashop offers a section that allows you to modify your emails. In this article we explain how to use this option in your e-business.

If you are not sure about the changes that you are going to make, don’t do it and consult a programmer. If you still wish to go ahead with the modification, remember to make a copy (we will explain how later).

To make these modification, we should follow these steps:

1- Go to ‘International’ > ‘Translations (1)

2- Within the ‘Modify translations’ section (2) select the following options:

  • Type of translation (2): Email template translation.
  • Select the type of email content (3): Subject or Body.
  • Select your language (4): Select the language you want to put the email into.

3- Press ‘Modify’ (5).

4- Next, you will see a new page where you can find the next elements:

  • On the left, you will see a menu with the different sections to translate, which you can expand or collapse (1).
  • The total number of expressions that make up this block of translations (2).
  • The expression in the default language of your shop (3).
  • In this field, you can add or modify a translation to a new language (4). Remember that you must choose to which language you must translate in the previous page.

5. To delete a translation, click “Reset” (5).

6. To save a translation, click “Save” (6). This is VERY important: If you do not click Save, your changes will be lost.