Selling on Amazon: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Selling on Amazon: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - BigBuy Academy | Documentación y ayuda técnica gratuita para clientes de BigBuy
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Selling on Amazon: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Nowadays, selling on Amazon is key to generating income through the online channel. However, there are a number of questions and problems that tend to arise. We have gathered together the most frequent ones in this article.

How do I register on Amazon?

To register as an Amazon seller, click here.

Does signing up for Amazon as a seller involve any extra costs?

Amazon has different subscription plans for sellers. There are various types of commissions depending on the type of plan contracted:

  • Product rate: The percentage is calculated on the total sales price of the product. This percentage depends on the category the product belongs to.
  • Closing sale rate: Fixed commission per sale, no matter what the category or product price is.
  • Item sale rate: Only applicable to books, music, DVD, software and video games.
  • Fixed monthly subscription fee: This is the monthly tariff that charged by Amazon for selling products on its marketplace.

You can check all rates here.

To sell in other countries, do I have to register in these?

When a user registers on Amazon, the seller registration process is selected throughout Europe by default. If you only want to sell in your own country, you would need to deactivate this option.

Do I have authorisation/licence for all branded products?

All BigBuy products are from top brands with sales and distribution authorisation granted by the brand.

Do my Amazon account prices include VAT?

The prices for BigBuy products sold on Amazon always include VAT, even when selling to an Amazon Business customer.

How do I remove products from my channel?

To remove products, simply deactivate them on the Multi-Channel Integration Platform.

How do I set the shipping costs?

Through Amazon Templates: shipping settings. You can use the default template or create a new template.

This must be set by country. We recommend including the shipping price in the product price.

How do the price rules work?

Price rules are configured through the Multi-Channel Integration Platform. At BigBuy, we recommend adjusting prices by category and including the shipping charges in the product price to offer free delivery.

What is international listing?

This Amazon feature allows you to create and update offers from an Amazon website on other websites linked to it. By managing all your offers from the website of your choice, you will save time and effort. You can create your international listing here.

How many products can I sell on my Amazon account? Are there any limits between countries on particular products?

There is no limits on products to be published on Amazon. We recommend starting gradually by publishing 100 products and gradually expanding the catalogue.

How do you structure the view and how do you access the “Seller performance” on Amazon?

On Amazon, we refer to ratios as “Seller performance”. They can be accessed via the main menu > Performance > Account status.

Keeping these up to date is essential for keeping your account healthy.


What can you do to improve product visibility?

To improve product visibility, we recommend going to the top menu > Inventory > Suppressed products or Listing quality. This will prevent products from being removed or suppressed from the searches.

We always recommend spending some time improving the listing quality, especially in the run up to important campaigns. The listing quality is especially important in marketplaces like Amazon. It is important to ensure the product contains all the compulsory information and, if possible, additional information, as well as ensuring that it respects Amazon’s policies on products and brands.


Why have I received a listing quality alert?

Sometimes we receive product violation alerts because the product does not respect the policies set by the marketplace.

Some examples of violations could be: the main product photo does not include a white background or has a logo, the product contains batteries or explosive substances and this is not stated in the description, a buyer has reported your product for damage caused, inappropriate words are used in the description, lack of information on the product data sheet, the sale of the product is not permitted, or an error is shown due to high or low pricing.

You will be informed of the violation by email with the subject “Removal of listing”, but your account will not be penalised. If this product belongs to your best sellers, fight for it to be reactivated by creating a case and providing the requested documentation.

What tools can I use to position my products on marketplaces?

  • Amazon’s Sponsored Products or Sponsored Brands: to schedule flash sales, request reviews, optimise product data sheets.
  • Keepa helps with pricing and stockouts.
  • Helium 10 helps with analysing the quality of listings, buybox, keywords…but what gives the best positioning is generating sales.

How can I get the most out of Amazon Prime Days?

  • Choosing your bestsellers and seasonal products.
  • Being able to offer more than 20% discount.
  • Optimising the products that have been added to the campaign.
  • Sharing adverts on social networks about the offers on the sales channel.
  • Warming up products added to the promotion: this consists of positioning the product before the promotion, carrying out other actions that capture the customer’s attention.

What marketing actions can I carry out to strengthen my brand on Amazon?

Some recommendations include:

  • Registering the brand in Amazon’s brand registry.
  • Creating a product catalogue which is as comprehensive as possible, with six photos, main photo with white background, keywords, descriptions and detailed bullet points.
  • Creating an Official Store for the brand.

How can I convert my Amazon seller account to a Prime account?


What can I do to prevent receiving restrictions and/or blocks on my Amazon seller account?

Some tips to prevent restrictions and blocks on your seller account are:

  • Publishing a maximum of 500 products.
  • Taking part in Flash / Prime Day campaigns
  • Checking the inbox of the email linked to the account every day and the notifications received. There is a long reaction period and accounts are often deactivated because they aren’t checked.
  • Having a stock and price synchronisation tool to prevent cancellation of orders.

What do I do if they deactivate my Amazon seller account?

You will need to contact the Amazon service to send a full report with the measures that have been taken to remedy the infringements.

At BigBuy, we provide our customers with a template, but it is best if the seller creates an original and personalised template of their own (if lots of users present the same document, it will be harder for Amazon to take it into account).

What do I do if Amazon asks for a product invoice?

Invoices are a delicate issue. With this invoice, Amazon can contact your distributor or the customer. If the marketplace requests an invoice in order to fight for the reactivation of a product, it is best to stop selling this product or to sell it on another marketplace or market.

Can I find out the reason why a product cannot be sold?

Yes. Amazon clearly states the reason the product or brand cannot be sold. It is specified in the email and when accessing the product from the inventory. In some cases, you just need to publish the product again for it to be back on sale.

This listing may be using unauthorised intellectual property, such as commercial brands, patents or logos on the product detail pages. All listings, regardless of their status, are checked to ensure they don’t misuse intellectual property.

  • If your listing shows “Modify” as the next step, modify it to make sure there is no misuse of any registered brand. Once the listing has been corrected, it will reset automatically. Bear in mind that it can take up to 24 hours to reset.
  • Contact us if you think the publication has been removed in error.
  • If a logo belonging to a registered brand is misused in the publication, edit the product details page to make sure it doesn’t misuse any logo and that you use the correct brand name in the publications. Once the product details page has been updated, contact us to reset the publication.

What can I do if I have synchronisation problems with international listing?

If you have Amazon configured with international listing and connected to the Multi-channel Integration Platform and you are having problems synchronising stock and prices, it is always a good idea to disable the synchronisation between countries on the platform and then re-connect them again. Then, publish again on the MIP.

What pricing strategy should I follow for shipping?

We recommend including shipping in the price and offering it for free to the end customer. Take the commission into account and tick the commission box.